Thursday, September 04, 2008

Five Kids = Qualified VP?

Take a look at this opinion on, because my blog today is a response to it. It scares me that this could possibly be the way any, much less many, American voters think.

In it, the voter writes:

"If she can run a family of five, she will have no problem running a country...."

Could she be for real? I mean, seriously. Is this for real? Are people's views really that simplistic?

The Presidency of the United States-- which is, after all, what the Vice-Presidency is all about, so remember, she's got to be ready to be PRESIDENT-- isn't about whether we have fish sticks or meat loaf tonight. The crises are bigger than whether we can afford to get the kids an XBox. Problems arise that dwarf mending the backyard fence. Crises like handling an illegitimate pregnancy that consume a mother's life for weeks, pale in comparison to the things the President has to deal with several times a day. The USA has problems with a touch more gravitas than being a hockey mom.

This is the world's largest economy, and it's in big trouble.

This is a nation of 300 million plus without any guarantees for its citizens of health care or education beyond high school.

This is a country with a largely ignorant white majority that is shrinking, and whose long-standing racial hatreds that are shifting from blacks to its Latin immigrant population, many of whom are here illegally.

This is a country where corporations funnel billions of dollars off the government teat, and where influence peddling-- which Governor Palin seems to be very well-versed in-- is ruining our very existence.

This is a nation embroiled in two wars, egging on a third, whose international reputation is in complete disrepair.

So I admonish folks to rethink their decision that Sarah Palin's motherhood makes her qualified to be President. Because, with all the respect she is due, if this blogger's shallow, ill-formulated opinion represents the average American voter... God have mercy on us.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Palin: a loveable woman, but an appalling candidate

A British analyst's scathing take on why Sarah Palin absolutely should not be considered the great hope for women in politics. Good ammo for any anti-Palin crusaders. Obama's camp should use it as a talking points memo. John McCain's VP nominee has a lot of admirable qualities, but she isn't ready to lead. Here's a point-by-point as to why.

read more | digg story

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Go Campbell, Go Campbell...

It was fun watching Tucker Bounds, McCain's spokesman, shake in his boots during his interview with CNN's Campbell Brown.

See for yourself:

And after that disastrous performance, Bounds got his panties in a twist and canceled McCain's scheduled appearance on Larry King Live. That'll show CNN, right?

Wrong. It just shows that the GOP is in total disarray. It shows that Tucker Bounds can't defend the choice of Sarah Palin, and it shows that they're afraid Larry King would ask the same question of John McCain, who would do no better.

This is a freakshow.

Why I Won't Shut Up About Sarah Palin

Palin's family off-limits? Maybe for Barack Obama, but not for me.

Democrats shoot themselves in both feet every time they try to take the high road, because the Republicans never do. For example, if I were Al Gore, I would still be contesting the 2000 election instead of all that "concede and heal" nonsense.

So... I'll say what nobody else will. If Sarah Palin can't keep tabs on her own daughter, arming her with abstinence education and Christian piety, how, someone tell me, how, in God's name, is she supposed to run a country?

If baby Trig, known to have Down Syndrome, came prematurely by a month to a 44-year-old mother, and that mother, Governor Palin, finished a speech and then flew for 12 hours with her water broken only to pass up two hospitals with NICUs only to give birth in some backwater medical clinic, how, in God's name, are we to trust her to handle a time-is-of-the-essence international crisis?

If son Track can't be mentioned in public without noting that he enlisted last year, and, coincidentally is headed to Iraq this year on the same date-- September 11th-- then I'll be damned if I'll keep the kids out of it.

Governor Palin is, plainly and simply, whoring her kids out for political purposes. She's turning Track into a modern doughboy, Bristol into an anti-choice poster child, and using Trig as testament to her pioneer toughness, bragging that she returned to work just three days after birthing him... like that's something to be proud of.

She's a disgrace-- a political animal of the first order that could only be the creation of ambition, blind fervency, and Karl Rove.

Monday, September 01, 2008

McCain's Lost.. His Mind

Governors rarely have foreign policy experience. But that not withstanding, in so many other ways, Sarah Palin is a disaster.

Twenty months ago, she was the ex-mayor of a town of less than 9,000. Her foreign policy is the same as her domestic policy: drill, drill, drill. She has been no friend to the environment. She is entirely Alaska-focused, with her primary stated objective of "oil independence" as a veiled attempt to boost her home state's presence on the national stage. At one point, she belonged to the Alaska Independence Party that promotes secession from the USA. Hardly patriotic.

She has manipulated her own children for political purposes, turning Bristol and Trig into poster-children for her anti-choice agenda.

She has repeatedly lied and backpedaled. She has abused her power. She has used her position for political gain. Even the small town of Wasilla was left after her administration with an economy in tatters and an unfinished arena, higher taxes, and shortage of services.

Even those whose job it is to smile and pretend like the GOP leadership can do no wrong, even with the blinders on and the Kool-Aid stains all around their mouths can see... she's the worst possible pick.

Sarah Palin is nothing more than a one-stop pandering ploy, trying to rein in Hillary supporters (who should just do a 180° despite positions just 'coz the Gov is a woman), right-wing evangelical yahoos (who are crapping their pants that her daughter is knocked up), and dudes that just want a hot chick on the ticket.

I do admit, she's a total fox.

Palin Baby: The Plot Sickens

Wow. I never thought the way they'd cover up Bristol Palin's illegitimate pregnancy with... another illegitimate pregnancy.

Today, Governor Sarah Palin announced that her 17-year-old daughter Bristol is five months pregnant. Five months. What a convenient way to convince folks that she isn't Trig's mommy: She couldn't possibly have given birth to Trig, she had just gotten knocked up when he was born!

Anyone for Irish Twins?

I'll lay you a dollar to a dime right now that Bristol will either miscarry or give birth early.

Sarah Palin, whether she's her own deceptive mastermind, or a willing victim/puppet of Karl Rove, has sunk lower than any politician I've ever encountered. Using her own children and grandchildren to further her neo-Nazi agenda. What a piece of work.