Thursday, October 27, 2005

More idiocy from Dubya

Conservative darling Bay Buchanan on the President's withdrawal of Harriet Miers's Supreme Court nomination: "I don't think he was thinking about the big picture. The Supreme Court is not a place for friends.... The President was not wise."

Ya think?

One more gaffe from the Bush administration. When even Bay Buchanan thinks you've screwed up, Mister, you've screwed up. Conservatives want someone to legislate from the bench, and Harriet Miers was not that person. It's another smoke screen from the White House. A White House that manages to emerge from every scandal smelling like a flower from the Rose Garden.

I feel that the country may, hopefully, be on the verge of taking a big step to the left after 25 years of reactionary conservatism. If you look at the landscape of the country today, we have a White House being threatened with indictment, an unpopular war, record gas prices and a Republican President who consistently shows extraordinary errors in judgement.

Feel like you're back in 1974? I do ('cept I was eight years old back then). All we can hope is that the Democratic Party manages to get itself together to regain the Executive in 2008. And of course, that they field a more competent candidate than Jimmy Carter.

But I'd take back Jimmy Carter over Dubya any day. At least I was sure Carter's heart was in the right place. Dubya may very well be the Antichrist.

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