Saturday, February 23, 2008

Democrats Give McCain White House, Republicans Take Supreme Court

The title of my blog tonight is a really scary possibility, but we're inching closer to it every day.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are now officially tearing each other to shreds on the campaign trail. "Shame on you, Barack Obama," said Hillary today. Barack fired back, calling her "silly."

John McCain doesn't have to say anything bad about other Republicans because he's got virtually no remaining competition. How fantastic. McCain can look like a unifier.

Let me tell you what gets unified if Barack and Hillary don't knock it off: the US Supreme Court will be unified as a right-wing rubber stamp, ready to overturn Roe v. Wade, ready to shut out small businesses with pro-monopoly decisions, ready to irrevocably damage the environment, ready to take away more of our civil liberties.

So keep up the in-fighting, Senators Obama and Clinton: I want someone to blame when I'm living in a fascist state.

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