Thursday, September 04, 2008

Five Kids = Qualified VP?

Take a look at this opinion on, because my blog today is a response to it. It scares me that this could possibly be the way any, much less many, American voters think.

In it, the voter writes:

"If she can run a family of five, she will have no problem running a country...."

Could she be for real? I mean, seriously. Is this for real? Are people's views really that simplistic?

The Presidency of the United States-- which is, after all, what the Vice-Presidency is all about, so remember, she's got to be ready to be PRESIDENT-- isn't about whether we have fish sticks or meat loaf tonight. The crises are bigger than whether we can afford to get the kids an XBox. Problems arise that dwarf mending the backyard fence. Crises like handling an illegitimate pregnancy that consume a mother's life for weeks, pale in comparison to the things the President has to deal with several times a day. The USA has problems with a touch more gravitas than being a hockey mom.

This is the world's largest economy, and it's in big trouble.

This is a nation of 300 million plus without any guarantees for its citizens of health care or education beyond high school.

This is a country with a largely ignorant white majority that is shrinking, and whose long-standing racial hatreds that are shifting from blacks to its Latin immigrant population, many of whom are here illegally.

This is a country where corporations funnel billions of dollars off the government teat, and where influence peddling-- which Governor Palin seems to be very well-versed in-- is ruining our very existence.

This is a nation embroiled in two wars, egging on a third, whose international reputation is in complete disrepair.

So I admonish folks to rethink their decision that Sarah Palin's motherhood makes her qualified to be President. Because, with all the respect she is due, if this blogger's shallow, ill-formulated opinion represents the average American voter... God have mercy on us.


Margarita Sweet said...

You are right. Being a mother, that is having given birth, does not make you a mother any more than it qualifies for Vice-Presidency. Granted we mothers have great responsibilities and without our role in creation life would be stumped. Voters need to look past the warm fuzzy of a woman who happens to be a mother of 5 (and who has that many kids these days anyway?) being capable of successfully handling the business of an entire country.

Anonymous said...

So good......